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Assane Diouf libéré

Samedi 19 Août 2017

Après quelques heures d'interrogatoire dans les locaux des services américains d'immigration, Assane Diouf a été libéré ce samedi. Il a été interpellé hier suite à une dénonciation supposée du gouvernement du Sénégal qui l'aurait présenté comme un terroriste recherché par services compétents.

Assane Diouf est connu pour ses vidéos incendiaires diffusées sur Facebook contre Macky Sall.

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1.Posté par Ousmane Balde le 20/08/2017 14:20
No doubt ! The USA is falling Country with a collapsing economy. Who could imagine that one day the Reputed Police of Investigation, FBI , would be interested in an ordinary citizen? How forgetful this so called big country, the most powerful in the world is ! September 11, 2001. That day can't be forgotten. America was stricken by the true terrorists. The symbol of its power, the WORLD TRADE CENTER, was destroyed. The Powerful Country was powerless that day and kept on weeping for years. Did America forget that day? Does the Giant see in this innocent ASSANE DIOUF any sign of terror? The monster is not ASSANE DIOUF but the instigators of this arrest. ASSANE Is a fake Terorist whose ambition is to restore justice and democracy in Senegal.
This arrest is just and admission of powerlessness to control an opponent whose opinions are widely shared by the Senegalese in and out iof Senegal.
The country and his citizens have yearned for someone to stand up to this tyranny of Macky SALL and his Club for years. It is in the common interest of all to rebel against this crawling dictatorship.
Assane is not a Terrorist can't be a Terrorist.

Down with the dictatorship!

2.Posté par Bouba Diop le 20/08/2017 15:53
"ASSANE Is a fake Terorist whose ambition is to restore justice and democracy in Senegal" (sic!). qui parle de terroriste pour ce petit fouteur de merde de rien du tout? Et bien avec des "sauveurs" comme Assane Diouf, le Sénégal est bien mal parti...Senegal dou dem brother, et toute ta prose présomptueuse in english le démontre à la perfection! Ce sont les pseudo-intellos comme toi qui veulent gouverner ce pays désormais...Misérables Sénégalais qui défendent les insulteurs des présidents.

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